viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

Post 10: English Language Challenges

Hi everyone!!
Today I´m going to write the last post of the blog, and the topic is about my experience and challenges with the english.

When I was in high school I went to "Norteamericano" institute, but in my last year I didn't go because I choose to study for PSU, so, when I came at the university the english was something easy for me, also I think that the english here should be different, I think we should learn about topics of our carreers for the papers that we have to read, because in different situations I felt the english class don't teach me something useful really, except the last level, we have to talk more and that's great, because the oral expression is the less wrought type in class or that's my experience learning english.

About the use of the blog, I learn a lot, I think that was the best methodology, because with every topic I learned new words and different ways to say some ideas.

Like I said before, the oral expression is something very important for me when someone learn some language and this point exactly I think that is  my most fragile area about english, I feel nervous when I have to talk and when I feel that I used to forget some words and I can't talk anymore :( for that reason I used to sing a lot of english music in my house or wherever and that's the that I practice my oral expression.

Outside the english class I don't use this language, but I suposse when I will start to work I could need to know it and for that reason I try to practice constantly.

Well, that's the end of the blog, I hope you enjoyed the blog. Bye!!

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Post 9: Changes to my study programme

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to write about the changes that I would like to do to my study programme. It's not difficult write about this in this university, because I think there're a lot of things that need changes with urgency and specifically in my career.

First the curriculum is old, the department want to change the curriculum to three years ago and more, but never finish that process so every year start a new process, there're a lot subject that I think need be modified in their contents and in their teaching methods.
One of that subject is "Procesos básicos de aprendizaje", this subject is part of the programme in the first year of psychology, and only talk about conditioning, I know that is important, but, the teachers don't mention other process in learning and I think that isn't fine, and for their classes they use the same ppt that use since 2010 and if you teach about science you can't give the same information every year if every day the scientists discover new things. Also, have an evaluation that consist in work with rats, and is true that you can work with human if you don't like work with rats, but today we talk about to protect animals and they give the possibility to work with their take away their food and water because is necessary for make the experiment.

I could change things in every subject, but now I'm going to write about infrastructure in the university. Every year we have the same problem with the classrooms because we don't have enough for all the careers, and every year the university have more registrations so, we are more students every year, there're so many buildings in process for have more classrooms, but take a lot of years finish and while we can't have assistantships or comfortable classrooms because we are very tight in some classes.

About technology I think the university should have more computers for the students or raise the internet, because sometimes the signal is not enough for all the students that need use it and that is a problem in moments like end of semester.

Well, I hope the things can only get better. Bye :D

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8: Summer Plans

Hi everyone!!
Today I'm going to write about my summer plans.
Well, I'm going to write about what I would like to do in summer if I had, because I'm going to start my practice in January so, I'm only going to imagine :(

I love beach and my favorite beach is Viña del Mar, I know that place is so near of Santiago, but there're no place that make me so happy like I feel in that place. I love the principal beach with their craft fair, and I love see the sunset, but I love do that in all the beach really, the colours of the landscape are beautiful and make me feel relax.

Another place that I would like to visit is the south of Chile, I went only one time but I dream with swim in the lake again, and know new places, I know that someday I will go to Torres del Paine, after that I can die jaja.

If I could travel to another country I would like to go to Brazil, but I would like to go in February when people make the carnival in different cities, I think in all the people dancing samba and using their beautiful costumes and I think that I have to stay there someday

But now I think in work in summer all day, all week. The last summer I worked too, so I don't know what is have holidays, well I suposed that I will have a big holidays someday.

See you the next post. Bye!

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Post 7: "Animals"

Hi everyone,
Today I´m going to talk about animals, I like animals because they show us the wonderful of the natures and their creations, there're a so many species and each one have their own characteristics.
Actually, I have a cat, their name is "Plumita" and three years ago I had a dog, their name was "Martina" and the truth is I wouldn't like to have another pet, both have marked my life in different moments and I don't imagine with another pets.
About exotic pets, I don't like, it's difficult and expensive take care it, they need a special veterinary and I feel that I can't enjoy that type of pets how I can do it with domestics pets like cat or dogs, obviously is just an opinion haha, there're people that love exotic pets and I respect that.
My favorite animal in the world is the bear <3 I love their faces and their coats, but even they look like cute animals, they're wild and fight for protect their heard, how I watch in the movie "brother bear" they're loyal with their heard.
About zoo I'm disagree, I think that is just a whim of the human, that places don't respect the habitats of each animals, and you can see in their faces that they don't feel comfortableness in that place. I hate the Metropolitan zoo, because they had a polar bear in the ridge with all the sun in summer, without ice and probably the water should be warm, I feel very frustration when I think in the animals of zoo, when I was a child I was live in the feet of San Cristobal hill, so constantly my parents took me to the zoo, I didn't like it.
With rodeos is the same, I'm disagree with every event, place or anything that use animals for fun or false needs, like use animals for tested the make up.
 I think that we have to learn respect other animals, they don't have the fault of own violence and little empathy with the life.

See you next week, bye! :D

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Post 6: "Postgraduate studies"

Today I'm going to write about postgraduate studies. I don't know if I want to do that yet, because like I write in the last post, I would like study dance when I finish psychology, so if I take some postgraduate studies that will have relation with dance. I would like take classes in different countries but I don't know if that count like a postgraduate studies.

Although, in psychology we have to do an obligatory course to finish the career and each course have relation with their different areas, and obviously I want to take the educational psychology course. But I don't want to take another courses or magisterial, I don't want to dedicate my life to study, I think that it's important, yes, but I don't see my life with that responsibility for much time. 
I think I have to spend my time in concretes actions with the society and if I see the experience of my family, do a postgraduate means a lot of time; and I don't really have that time.   

Well, the people who want to do postgraduate studies, have all my admiration, because I think that they sacrifice so many things for to achieve that objective in particular, like their time, family even their friends or another relationships and  require patience,  perseverance and discipline too and I don't really have that characteristics.

So I hope that you don't think that I'm lazy or something like that, i just I have another interests. See you next week.

Bye! :)


Post 5: "My future job"

Hi everybody!
Today I'm going to write about my future job or the job of my dream.
Well, it's true that now I'm study psychology, but I don't see all my life doing this, I would like job in so many things, but I know that I don't like travel for work constantly because I always think in my family and how I Will miss them.
I love the educational area of psychology and I hope someday can work in a school and can change something in the life of some children, I think that education is something very important and the kids are the future, I believe in that and I have to help for that idea come true.
But, the other thing that I love is dance. Two months ago I decided that when I finish my career I would like to study dance.
My dream is have my own place, where a I can teach different styles and other People can teach different elements of art, like sing, theatre, etc...
I would like have different classes for kids and adults, and give the space for developed the emotions and be more humans. I would like that this place stay out of Santiago, because people in other regions don't have the same possibilities.
I don't know how time take this project, and I don't care if I this idea would give me a lot of money or not. I Just wanna be happy in my own place, without boss and without  same routine.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Post 4: Free Theme Topic "My favorite music"

For this time I'm goint to talk about my favorite music. It's difficult for me choose just one type of music, because I love it and in my family the music is something very important. My father is a singer and his parents were singers too but in differents type, my grandmother was the vocalist of the "Puntillanos" and they play music in rodeos and chilean celebrations. And my grandfather sang Tango in many place of the bohemian, so how can you see the styles of music are varied.

In my case is not different, I love music in general, I love pop music, indie, rock, chilean music and christmas music, yes, I like christmas music haha, in my family we listen that music always and my favorite singer in this genre is Nat King Cole, his music is so relax and always remind me the day of christmas, it's nostalgic.

If  I have to choose some type of music, my favorite could be chilean music, I love cumbia like Santa Feria, Moral Distraída, Villa Cariño, Vikings 5, Sonora 5 estrellas, trova like Manuel García, Chinoy, Pascuala Ilabaca, Tata Barahona and pop like Gepe, Pedro Piedra, Denise Rosenthal, Camila Gallardo or Fernando Milagros. Is everything so different because every type of chilean music makes me feel differents emotions. I started to listen this type in 2010. One of my favorite concert was in 2013 for the anniversary of the "Radio uno" and in that oportunity I saw Manuel García, Francisca Valenzuela and Los Bunkers. Curiously my favorite singer and my favorite song are not chilean.

My favorite singer is Florence Welch, the vocalist of "Florence and the machine", I love her voice she can change the note of the song with so ability, she compose her own songs and each one have their own story and their own feeling. About my favorite song is "Strange love" of koop is a jazz and I knew that song in an ad of Coca-Cola, every note of that song makes me feel fly. That is another type of music that I like: the ad music, I always find different songs that I love in the ads, my sister always laugh of me for that reason.

Well, I said that I love so many types of music and you can see that's true. See you the next week.
Bye!! :D

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018

Post 3: Free themed topic "food"

Hi everyone!
Today I'm going to talk about food. It's difficult for me choose a favorite food because I love eat and taste different dishes of different countries, like italian food, indian food, chinese food, sushi, pizza, etc. But if I have to choose I think that would be pumpkin stew, I love when muy mom or muy sister prepare that dish, they know how much I love that food, so for every special situation they made that delicious food.
I hate cook, I just prepare instant pureé that just need water and that's all haha.
You can suppose that if I hate cook I love go to different restaurants. My favorite restaurant is "hand roll" for eat sushi, "Golfo di nappoli" for italian food and "Macchu Picchu" for eat peruvian food.
I wish can taste all the restaurants very famous in Chile and the world.
See you next week. Bye! :D

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Post 2: The Best Holidays

Hello everyone!

Today I'm going to talk about my best holidays. It was in 2014, this holidays are so special for me because it was the first summer with my boyfriend. We went to south of Chile for two weeks and we started in Pto. Varas, then we went to Chiloé, and we finished in Lican Ray. We went with two cousins of my boyfriend and their girlfriends in a van.

The travel  was very funny,  I've never gone to the south of Chile before so, every place was new for me and I discovered the beautiful of Chile and their landscapes.

My favourite place was Lican Ray, it was so wonderful, I loved the lake, the water was warm and obviously there're no waves so I can swim without afraid, also we did kayak and we could go to little island in the middle of the lake, one of these island was private, but the other two are for everybody, it was relax stay there, there are hardly any noise. For me and my boyfriend it's so special one of that island, because we made a promise and 5 years after I think that is not impossible keep the promise.

Well, definitely that holidays marked my life, I knew beautiful places and I learned a lot about every town and beach where we were. And everything it's better when you did something with special people and there's no doubt that was my case.

See you the next week, Bye!!

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

Post 1: A Country I'd like to visit

Hi everyone!!
Today I'm going to write about Netherlands. I don't know a lot about this country but I watched different videos, documentaries and pictures of this place and I think that is so beautiful and the people live quietly, something that does not happen in Latino-america.

It's true that I will love to know all the countries of  Europe but, Netherlands has something special. I know that bicycles are the most important transport and today with all the problems with the environment I think that this is something that more countries should copy.

I would like to live there because they have a different education at schools and different laws about work where the quality of life is really important and that means the people haven't long workdays and they have more free time, and that is something that I would like to have in my life: time for my favourite hobbies and to spend with friends and family.

Well, the only and big problem is that travel to this country is very expensive, so I don't know when I can know this wonderful place, I hope that will be soon.

See you the next week, bye! :D

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Post 1: Personal information on internet

Hi everyone!,

Today I'll write about personal information on internet.
I think that this theme is important today because all our lifes are shared on this place and, sometimes, we don't take the real importance and we share everything. And we expose to the public judgement or just people that we don't know can see important things of us and use that information for anything.
In my situation I try to show the most irrelevant on my life, on instagram or facebook I share selfies or memes, and for special situations like birthdays or special dates, I put photos of my family, boyfriend or friends.
About my favorite social media I think that is Instagram, I like follow different profiles of nail art, dance,  famous singer or dancer and memes. Sometimes there're so many videos and photos interesting and you can stay updated about the work of your idols and that's great. But my profile is so boring, I don't share a lot information about me and my life, I hate when you are in some concert or in a family lunch and everybody are in their phones, taking pictures o talking with other friends and don't talk with the people of the place. Or in the concert nobody really enjoy because is more important record a good video than listen to the music or just live the moment.
Well, it's funny because there are so many things that I hate of social networks, but in any case I use social networks and I spend a lot of time of my day in that. But, someday I'll try to don't use it a lot. Wish me luck!!

See you the next week. Bye!! :D