viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Post 7: "Animals"

Hi everyone,
Today I´m going to talk about animals, I like animals because they show us the wonderful of the natures and their creations, there're a so many species and each one have their own characteristics.
Actually, I have a cat, their name is "Plumita" and three years ago I had a dog, their name was "Martina" and the truth is I wouldn't like to have another pet, both have marked my life in different moments and I don't imagine with another pets.
About exotic pets, I don't like, it's difficult and expensive take care it, they need a special veterinary and I feel that I can't enjoy that type of pets how I can do it with domestics pets like cat or dogs, obviously is just an opinion haha, there're people that love exotic pets and I respect that.
My favorite animal in the world is the bear <3 I love their faces and their coats, but even they look like cute animals, they're wild and fight for protect their heard, how I watch in the movie "brother bear" they're loyal with their heard.
About zoo I'm disagree, I think that is just a whim of the human, that places don't respect the habitats of each animals, and you can see in their faces that they don't feel comfortableness in that place. I hate the Metropolitan zoo, because they had a polar bear in the ridge with all the sun in summer, without ice and probably the water should be warm, I feel very frustration when I think in the animals of zoo, when I was a child I was live in the feet of San Cristobal hill, so constantly my parents took me to the zoo, I didn't like it.
With rodeos is the same, I'm disagree with every event, place or anything that use animals for fun or false needs, like use animals for tested the make up.
 I think that we have to learn respect other animals, they don't have the fault of own violence and little empathy with the life.

See you next week, bye! :D

8 comentarios:

  1. When I was a kid i too went to metropolitan zoo, and was a very sad experience view all this animals in a cage, I never come again

  2. I agree with your way of seeing animals, something beautiful, part of nature, and we should protect that, take care of them.

  3. It's beautiful how animals show us the goods of nature :D

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I agree with you, people needs to be more respectful with animals, they aren't a toy or a pet only... they are living beings just like us. Humans think that we are the centre of the world :(

  6. I agree with your comment of zoo! WE MUST RESPECT THE NATURE HABITAT OF ANIMALS!

  7. I agree with you too! the zoo and rodeo it was a cruelty spaces for the animals!

  8. I LOVE CAT, i WOULD LIKE A CAT LIKE YOU, have been dificult for you car a cat??
