viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Post 6: "Postgraduate studies"

Today I'm going to write about postgraduate studies. I don't know if I want to do that yet, because like I write in the last post, I would like study dance when I finish psychology, so if I take some postgraduate studies that will have relation with dance. I would like take classes in different countries but I don't know if that count like a postgraduate studies.

Although, in psychology we have to do an obligatory course to finish the career and each course have relation with their different areas, and obviously I want to take the educational psychology course. But I don't want to take another courses or magisterial, I don't want to dedicate my life to study, I think that it's important, yes, but I don't see my life with that responsibility for much time. 
I think I have to spend my time in concretes actions with the society and if I see the experience of my family, do a postgraduate means a lot of time; and I don't really have that time.   

Well, the people who want to do postgraduate studies, have all my admiration, because I think that they sacrifice so many things for to achieve that objective in particular, like their time, family even their friends or another relationships and  require patience,  perseverance and discipline too and I don't really have that characteristics.

So I hope that you don't think that I'm lazy or something like that, i just I have another interests. See you next week.

Bye! :)


6 comentarios:

  1. i agree with you, we can't study the rest of our lives, in some moment we need to take time and do what we love and care.

  2. I understand what you mean, sometimes I have also questioned whether it is worth the self-sacrifice.

  3. I think the same about people who study postgraduate. It's a very big sacrifice and a lot of time studying

  4. I think same that you,I don´t want spend my life studing

  5. the same happens to me! I feel that after all these years we need to do different things, and I find it nice to dance!

  6. I like the way you want to change the world, doing real acts in the real world, not theorizing in some university or office.
