viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Post 1: Personal information on internet

Hi everyone!,

Today I'll write about personal information on internet.
I think that this theme is important today because all our lifes are shared on this place and, sometimes, we don't take the real importance and we share everything. And we expose to the public judgement or just people that we don't know can see important things of us and use that information for anything.
In my situation I try to show the most irrelevant on my life, on instagram or facebook I share selfies or memes, and for special situations like birthdays or special dates, I put photos of my family, boyfriend or friends.
About my favorite social media I think that is Instagram, I like follow different profiles of nail art, dance,  famous singer or dancer and memes. Sometimes there're so many videos and photos interesting and you can stay updated about the work of your idols and that's great. But my profile is so boring, I don't share a lot information about me and my life, I hate when you are in some concert or in a family lunch and everybody are in their phones, taking pictures o talking with other friends and don't talk with the people of the place. Or in the concert nobody really enjoy because is more important record a good video than listen to the music or just live the moment.
Well, it's funny because there are so many things that I hate of social networks, but in any case I use social networks and I spend a lot of time of my day in that. But, someday I'll try to don't use it a lot. Wish me luck!!

See you the next week. Bye!! :D

7 comentarios:

  1. It is absolutely right what you say about people who are more worry to take pictures of what they are doing, instead of enjoying it.

  2. I hate too when everyone is on the phone in a family meeting! Taking a photo together is great, but if we meet i like to turn the phone down, like you said <3

  3. I´ts interesting than you can expresed your´s ideas, I think the social media really spend my time also, lucky for this. (:

  4. I think your way of using social media is similar to mine's. I personally use Instagram (as it's my favorite) to follow bands and memes pages, therefore I don't publish too much about my life.

  5. I spend a lot of time in the phone too jaja but we need yo learn that is bad when we spend family time :/ so good luck with try to not use it!

  6. ¡I also like instagram! because you can find many pictures, videos and entertaining information.

  7. I also feel that my profile on Instagram is really boring because I don´t like to post very often.
