viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

Post 10: English Language Challenges

Hi everyone!!
Today I´m going to write the last post of the blog, and the topic is about my experience and challenges with the english.

When I was in high school I went to "Norteamericano" institute, but in my last year I didn't go because I choose to study for PSU, so, when I came at the university the english was something easy for me, also I think that the english here should be different, I think we should learn about topics of our carreers for the papers that we have to read, because in different situations I felt the english class don't teach me something useful really, except the last level, we have to talk more and that's great, because the oral expression is the less wrought type in class or that's my experience learning english.

About the use of the blog, I learn a lot, I think that was the best methodology, because with every topic I learned new words and different ways to say some ideas.

Like I said before, the oral expression is something very important for me when someone learn some language and this point exactly I think that is  my most fragile area about english, I feel nervous when I have to talk and when I feel that I used to forget some words and I can't talk anymore :( for that reason I used to sing a lot of english music in my house or wherever and that's the that I practice my oral expression.

Outside the english class I don't use this language, but I suposse when I will start to work I could need to know it and for that reason I try to practice constantly.

Well, that's the end of the blog, I hope you enjoyed the blog. Bye!!

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Post 9: Changes to my study programme

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to write about the changes that I would like to do to my study programme. It's not difficult write about this in this university, because I think there're a lot of things that need changes with urgency and specifically in my career.

First the curriculum is old, the department want to change the curriculum to three years ago and more, but never finish that process so every year start a new process, there're a lot subject that I think need be modified in their contents and in their teaching methods.
One of that subject is "Procesos básicos de aprendizaje", this subject is part of the programme in the first year of psychology, and only talk about conditioning, I know that is important, but, the teachers don't mention other process in learning and I think that isn't fine, and for their classes they use the same ppt that use since 2010 and if you teach about science you can't give the same information every year if every day the scientists discover new things. Also, have an evaluation that consist in work with rats, and is true that you can work with human if you don't like work with rats, but today we talk about to protect animals and they give the possibility to work with their take away their food and water because is necessary for make the experiment.

I could change things in every subject, but now I'm going to write about infrastructure in the university. Every year we have the same problem with the classrooms because we don't have enough for all the careers, and every year the university have more registrations so, we are more students every year, there're so many buildings in process for have more classrooms, but take a lot of years finish and while we can't have assistantships or comfortable classrooms because we are very tight in some classes.

About technology I think the university should have more computers for the students or raise the internet, because sometimes the signal is not enough for all the students that need use it and that is a problem in moments like end of semester.

Well, I hope the things can only get better. Bye :D

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8: Summer Plans

Hi everyone!!
Today I'm going to write about my summer plans.
Well, I'm going to write about what I would like to do in summer if I had, because I'm going to start my practice in January so, I'm only going to imagine :(

I love beach and my favorite beach is Viña del Mar, I know that place is so near of Santiago, but there're no place that make me so happy like I feel in that place. I love the principal beach with their craft fair, and I love see the sunset, but I love do that in all the beach really, the colours of the landscape are beautiful and make me feel relax.

Another place that I would like to visit is the south of Chile, I went only one time but I dream with swim in the lake again, and know new places, I know that someday I will go to Torres del Paine, after that I can die jaja.

If I could travel to another country I would like to go to Brazil, but I would like to go in February when people make the carnival in different cities, I think in all the people dancing samba and using their beautiful costumes and I think that I have to stay there someday

But now I think in work in summer all day, all week. The last summer I worked too, so I don't know what is have holidays, well I suposed that I will have a big holidays someday.

See you the next post. Bye!